Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week 7 - Fitting the Pieces Together

To be honest I don’t believe that my learning has changed based on what we have discussed and read during this course.  However, I will say that I have gained a greater respect for how others learn and how I can’t expect to deliver content the same way to everyone and think that they will walk away with the same level of understanding.  In fact it has also increased my confidence in what I belief will work for me which is what I have identified as my learning style.  The learning theories that I lean towards is how I have been doing instruction and trying to connect with my students who happen to be adult learners.  If I am being total transparent my teaching style is more aligned with cognitive and contructivist learning theories.  But many of the strategies that I use to ensure that learner has embraced the concept are more align with and related to the behaviorist theory. 

Positive stimuli are in my opinion the best approach to effectively producing the desired outcomes with learners.  As an instructional designer I would continue to utilize this approach to appeal to multiple learning styles and levels of intellect and intelligence.  As an adult learner, the setting must create an opportunity for experiences to be shared and to be reflective on how the particular content if applied can be utilized in the real world if appropriate.  The planning must also involve not only sharing personal experiences but professional experiences as well that allow the learner to solve problems.  This course helped me to reflect on courses that I felt more engaged with the content and when I did not. I will also share that we have discussed the responsibility of the learner to be self-motivated. However, when I am not naturally motivated I have to use different techniques to process information. 
      I have also found value in the cloud-based applications which could largely because I appreciate and value a cognitive approach to learning. In addition, a network that creates an environment where learners can share experiences, provide content/resources, dialogue in real-time regarding challenges and opportunities to dialogue about best practices and interests.  I initially struggled with the technology which I would be remiss if I did not share that if you don’t get ahead of technology it will pass you by.

Week 5 - Mapping Your Learning Connections

The mind map that I created reflects my learning related to technology tools which I currently use to support my professional and educational responsibilities. In fact, this network has impacted the way I approach my work by being more creative and innovative by providing me additional resources and graphics.  As demonstrated by the blogs that I was able to subscribe to and has also allowed me to  reach reliable resources and information and not just limit me to the Walden Resources.  I have been afforded the opportunity to expand the network of professionals who share similar interest in my field of study which increases my ability to share and learn best practices.

Blogs and other learning resources that are provided through the learning portal has yielded the greatest return for me.  I think this is largely because the information is presented in a very organized fashion which is aligned with the syllabus and course schedule.  I can actually find the information seamlessly which prepares me to organize my thoughts around key information and I am expected to learn for the specific week. In addition, my I have several options for support whether it be ask the instruction or the student cafĂ©  and of course I can use the blogs which is a major aspect of this particular course.  For example, I was struggling with understanding the blog assignment and it was because of some information that one of my peers shared that I was able to eventually figure it out.

One of the principal aspects of connectivism is the thought that for significant learning to occur a relationship must exist.  In my case, my network is full of resources that support my development it creates a space that motivates me to use the tools and resources that are made available to me. In fact, completing the assignments on related to learning theories I can immediately apply what I am learning in the course to my approach as a student and reflect on what I would do differently as an instructional designer.


Week 2 - Evaluating and Identifying Online Resources

Richard E. McClendon III
Week 2 Application
May 10, 2015

eLearningfeeds is an interactive blog website that serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals with career in the eLearning environment. The site share current events in the form of industry news, concepts related to instructional design, mobile and social learning; the site also has sections that focus on LMS, eLearning trends, events and jobs.  While I found the site to be resourceful, it was a bit overwhelming for a first time guest.  The amount of information presented on one page did not make a as an end user want to stay to navigate the information to get to the great information that was behind each link. Had I not been there for a course, I would have not stayed.

The Online Learning Insights blog was launched by  Debbie Morrison in 2012.  Her goal was to share her research and observations regarding learning and teaching in an online environment.   According to her site overview, the information shared is used by professionals from over 90 different countries. I think this will be a great source for me to post my initial blog post as this blogger has some very interesting articles.

This blog sites focuses on training, delivery and evaluation of the training.  I appreciated this site because while electronic delivery is critical I felt like the role of the instructor is really discussed within this blog.  You can have the best curriculum but if you instructor does not engage the learner to fully understand how they are approaching the learning and how the content should be delivered you will lse an opportunity to connect and me the objectives of the course.